What you need to know about standing up a virtual nursing unit

Bill Siwicki
February 15, 2022
Jennifer Ball, RN, director of virtual care at Saint Luke's Health System of Kansas City, describes the workings and many benefits of the telehealth approach.
The U.S. nursing shortage has reached critical levels during the pandemic battle, paired with an aging population. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the need for 1.1 million new RNs for expansion and replacement of retirees.
To serve its inpatient population and overcome the nursing shortage, St. Luke's Health System of Kansas City has developed an innovative approach leveraging virtual care. The organization created and implemented one of the nation's first virtual nursing units to reduce the burden on bedside nurses and much more.
In her HIMSS22 educational session entitled "Lessons Learned from Launching a Virtual Nursing Unit," Jennifer Ball, RN, director of virtual care at Saint Luke's Health System of Kansas City will offer attendees next month a deep dive into the workings of the virtual nursing unit. She has been a nurse for 35 years, with a clinical background in ICU, trauma and ED, and has 25 years of experience in nursing management. To read the full article: https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/what-you-need-know-about-standing-virtual-nursing-unit