Updated Version of CONNECT for Health Act Introduced in Congress
Center for Connected Health Policy
May 4, 2021
Last week an updated version of the CONNECT for Health Act was introduced in Congress.
Last week an updated version of the CONNECT for Health Act was introduced in Congress. The bill, which was first introduced in 2016 but has been repurposed in this newest version to remove restrictions on telehealth for mental health, stroke care and home dialysis in certain circumstances. It also addresses several of the restrictions in Medicare, including geographic limitations, expanding originating sites to include the home, restrictions on federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and rural health clinics (RHCs) reimbursement and gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services the ability to waive other telehealth restrictions permanently. For more information, see the press release, or read the bill’s summary published by Senator Schatz office. Stay tuned for a deeper dive and further analysis from CCHP next week.
Press Release:
Summary: https://www.schatz.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/CONNECT%20for%20Health%20Act%20of%202021_Summary.pdf